The plan for the day was to hike the upper path of Slieve League. However, the rain overnight continued into the early morning making the paths at Slieve League impassable. I did take the opportunity to quickly route out a day that started with getting some early morning pictures at Slieve League.
Over breakfast it was recommended that I visit the Assaranca Waterfall. I am glad I took the opportunity because this waterfall was amazing - and the rain overnight only added to the power of the waterfall. Please check out the videos to see the waterfall in action.
I passed a sign the said Maghera Beach and caves - so I turned the car around to make a visit. After a half mile walk - I reached sand dunes that led to a flat white sandy beach where the wind was blowing strong. In the foothills were caves that I decided not to venture to far into having grown up seeing people getting lost in caves on the Brady Bunch.
Some of the best times I had on this trip were when I got lost on purpose to see what I would discover. On this late afternoon I just drove down random roads and had the best time discovering lighthouses, beaches and plenty of nature.
My last stop of the day is where I found this postcard worthy beach. I was going to write something in the sand to mark the day in history like "Go Cubs" but could not erase what someone had painstakingly printed in the sand. It must have been an old Celtic word - Fart.