Monday, May 27, 2002
We arrived in Vancouver and it was time to get off the boat. Not before I had one more big breakfast and took some pictures of downtown Vancouver from the boat. We checked into the Delta Pinnacle hotel in downtown Vancouver. After settling into the hotel we took a walking tour of the city. We hit their version of Michigan Avenue.
In the afternoon we took a tour of Vancouver that included a ferry ride and a visit to Grouse Mountain. We took a tram up to the top of Grouse Mountain where we had a nice view of Vancouver and saw some baby bears that were being cared for after they were abandoned. We also visited the Capilano Suspension Bridge is not for you if you do not like heights.
Tomorrow: Day two in Vancouver
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002